The Past

This weekend was the celebration of the Queen's seventy years on the throne.  I don't have to say Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and 14 Commonwealth countries.  She is known world wide.  New Zealand is part of the Commonwealth and in the summer of 1953/54 she visited here and went from one end of the country to the other in about six weeks.  My father was a Policeman in Christchurch and he was on duty for the four days she spent in the city.  He was given this little shot glass as a souvenir.  It is now with me.  Photographed against the window while the rain pours down.  It does feel like winter today. 

In My Life                Lennon/McCartney 

 . . . Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them . . .

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