Digital Artwork


Raining nearly all day again yesterday, and quite cold as well.

The Bluetit family came in very early, 4:30 am, despite the pouring rain. Mum came in with two babies first, and a minute or so later Dad came in with the one baby bluetit.

Mr Blackbird is screeching furiously from the cover of another bushy tree, and does a fly past, actually through the Bluetit family. The little baby blue tits are getting very good at speedily evading the blackbird.

He has lost his right to be in my garden. Even I feel animosity towards him. He has turned too aggressive for no reason, and even his missus doesn't want him any more. She is never with him now. I was out yesterday morning posting some letters in a postbox on a geeen, and I was watching a male and female blackbird on the wet mown grass feeding together companionably, almost lovingly towards each other, and I thought why cannot my pair of blackbirds be like that. Mr Blackbird's missus still comes to visit me, and this was her garden before she paired with him. She was born here. So, I shall refer to her hernceforth as Ms Blackbird. She has done the married thing and has decided it is a pile of rubbish with this male blackbird. She watches me from the ground as I am in my weird raised vegetable garden, and I always have cat biscuits for her in my pocket. She comes up to me, tilts her head sideways and I put some cat biscuits on the ground for her. She does eat the snails, and also the wet and dry cat food when she can dart in between the cat customers.

Mr Blackbird has made friends with a starling yesterday afternoon, and they flew in my garden side by side, together, yesterday afternoon. I was outside in the the mizzle doing a couple of things in my vegetable garden. Mr Blackbird looked at me, and so did the starling. It was like they had a conspiracy going. The starling couldn't latch on to my bird feeders because I have taped up the top of them. He flew away first. Mr Blackbird screeched aggressively at me. Then left.

I hadn't seen Little Miss, that extraordinary teenage sparrow, all day. Then  suddenly late afternoon she came sweeping in. She literally commands the whole garden when she comes in, so obviously her domain. And she was closely followed by a GreatTit and his (?) two babies. A couple of days ago I had rigged up a couple of new  suet feeders for the small birds. The GreatTit chose one of those new feeders for his two babies, and they were feeding off it for a bit. Little Miss sat on on a high branch keeping lookout. Then they all flew away together. The GreatTit was stunningly beautiful with his black head. 

And Jade came in 3 times yesterday, breakfast, dinner, and for supper. She is still dragging the wet cat food to the undergrowth to eat it, but she is not as frightened of me as long as I stand still, although if I as much as move  a muscle she is off.

Just fed Midnight this morning, and he is loving, and purring. I can stroke the whole of his body now, and he doesn't think I have an ulterior motive. I do have a couple though. I want to brush him, and check out his ears...

Creative today is some digital artwork, and Midnight and Jade.

Time for another cuppa...

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