Picnic Spot

After a lazy start and some housewifery in spots that are oft neglected, we headed up to the top of the hill. The hill is some 623 ft above where we live. For Munro baggers that is nothing but for the desk bound its a damned good walk. Our total route was 5 miles. At the halfway point we stopped and had a liquid picnic. Well, it is Sunday, the sun was shining and I am not working tomorrow! Go large to see the extent of the view towards the sea and appreciate the sun shine!

Home and thoughts of a Sunday roast were shelved in favour of a homemade spicy pizza! Delish.

And we spotted our first bullfinch... I am rubbish at bird names but am reliably informed that this is one!

Oh and for the record...at least 10 bumblebees spotted too!

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