Stone wall

Earlier this year the mason started on this wall. It's a long garden wall that runs along the street near my mother-in-law's. There was a lot of damage from plants that had been allowed to get established and some sections were on the edge of collapse. They first chiseled the old mortar out with a SDS chisel, and then they had to rebuild some sections that were in a real mess, and finally they repointed with a lime-sand mortar. They had to repoint some sections several times as the cold wet weather, played havoc with the process and they changed the colour they were using after they had started, so the old colour had to be removed and replaced.

I've already photographed the ivy leaved toadflax which is already regrowing in the wall. At the moment it's mostly sound but any tiny crack in a stone or flaw in the mortar and something will start to take advantage of it...!

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