Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Resillient bunting.

The Feast Day of Saint William of York. 1154.

This Wednesday has been pleasant and homely, and then a  neighbourhood walk to find a blip just before 5:45pm.
I walked up Eachill Road past the hen pens and noticed the grass had been mown, making it look neat and tidy. I like the smell of freshly cut grass.
There was a strong breeze. It is 17c and earlier some rain.
I am glad that my Calendula plants are coping well as the leaves are edible. There is no sign of  orange buds or flowers so far.
They team up well with mint plants so I have put some next to the Calendulas in the new wall planters Paul helped me to attach to the old stone wall with his drill.
Poor Arthur our cat was suffering with blood  flowing slightly from his left eye. I wiped it carefully but it  looks very sore and may require vet consultation. I am not certain how it happened. He is still sneezing repeatedly many times from time to time, and he is not in the best of health, bless him.
I walked along to Victoria St. to see what was happening at the canal. There were three boats and one was testing the quality of the water. They looked knowledgeable. There were a group of young birds swimming together in a close knit shape, further along the canal ,heading in the Church and Oswaldtwistle direction. There are lily pads and elderflowers on the side of the canal wall.
The blip is actually of the beautiful flags and bunting  further up the street.
The celebration atmosphere is remaining in the air and the clouds were coming across rapidly.
Have a lovely evening and thank you for dropping by.

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