Long Summer Days

…………………………………we’ve had a few of them this last week but sadly today wasn’t one of them!

An afternoon spent at Floors Castle with a group from the church which organises the Thursday evening walks. It was wet when we left Berwick but dry and bright when we reached our destination…by the time we’d done our trip around the castle interior it was raining again. They did do a good cuppa and cake in the cafe though. A late arrival home when the driver ran out of hours and we had to wait 20 minutes before we could leave whilst he “rested”!

A quick turnaround as I’m off out to the WI tonight…I made a quick stop on my way home to get my blip as the fog was descending over Berwick and it’s bridges. Added an extra on my way home from WI of the same scene…not much chance of a sunset this evening!

Thanks to Steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday this week.

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