Serious day

It is hard to blip when the hearings have begun. 

I am not a pacifist. I think everyone who broke into the Capitol should have been shot. 

The US and Britain announced plans to provide Ukraine with multiple-launch rocket systems. They can hit targets up to 50 miles away. 

Ukraine's navy said it pushed Russian ships back 60 miles off the Ukrainian coast. 

Ukraine will likely win initial EU backing for a path to membership. Now, the most recent successful applicant, Croatia, took ten years. It will be linked to rule of law and anti-corruption legislation. This will be very timely because of course we want legislation making corruption more difficult before money flows in to rebuild. The opinion is expected on June 17. 

The war, and its mental health impacts, have resulted in Ukraine's cabinet approving a bill regulating cannabis for a number of conditions, including PTSD. It is now on its way to Ukraine's parliament. 

A Fiji court lets the US seize Russian oligarch's $300 million superyacht, called the Amadea. The ship has left port and is on its way to the US. The FBI helped Fiji seize the ship. The paper owner appealed. Fuiji ruled in favor of the US and noted that the yacht entered Fiji waters without a permit and most probably to evade the US. 

A major Russian radio station was hacked. The hackers broadcast Ukraine's national anthem and anti-war songs. The anti-war song is "I don't need a war" by the Russian rock band Nogu Svelo. It is really good, I don't know the language but I like it:
This happened in May too, three radio stations in Saint Petersburg were hacked for two hours and played Ukrainian and anti-war songs.  

Thousands of Ukrainians are in the US on tourist visas. Without a refugee-resettlement agency, they rely on family or volunteers. A Ukrainian expat, Oleg Opalnyk, in Maine, runs a construction company and invests in rental properties. He initially wanted to go back and fight but decided he would stay here and help refugee families. He is supporting 11 refugees and is preparing to help two more families.  

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