
By caitjob

It's a coffee maker, apparently.

My nephew is obsessed with building coffee makers. Though this momentarily was a crane before returning to the initial function of coffee maker. With parts that gave out milk and sugar and even tea.

Essay/playing with Nell and Daniel in the morning. Followed by fish and mango for lunch. It's a good combo.

We all skyped Steph (and Richard momentarily) before I caught the train back to Paris. I finished the Age of Innocence which I'm reading for a module and had nothing else to do so started listening to the audiobook of Barack Obama's book. He has a good voice.

Finished my essay and caught up on a bit of tv when I got home. One week left til I have a 2 week holiday. (It's between the 11th and 12th week of a 12 week term, I'm not quite sure I understand but I'm not going to complain about a holiday).

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