
After a short but busy morning, I went to my office for two MSc supervision meetings. Despite not having prepared for them, they went very well. The first student had worked well and had an interesting result for me to get excited about. The second was more challenging because her English isn't great, but I managed to explain an alternative application for the theory she's studying, and her face lit up when she realised!

After shopping and visiting Mum, I cooked in time for A to go into Edinburgh, and took the opportunity to go to see Top Gun 2 in a ScreenX 270° "surround" projection. Before the screening I Turfed the area, taking in Roseburn Park and Murrayfield Stadium. 

The film starts in a few minutes...

... And the verdict? If only I could have seen the original film in a ScreenX! The sequel was OK, but rather contrived, with too many two-dimensional characters, and no Kelly McGillis!

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