La vida de Annie

By Annie

Galletas muy pequeñas.

Having got a pre-diabetic sugar reading in my recent blood test, I've been avoiding sugar of course, but also starch in bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, as the doc said the body converts that to sugar. I'm no dietary expert, but trust what she says. I assumed that most of those were healthy foods, which they are, but if avoiding them means I can lower my blood sugar and avoid diabetes, which at my age could leave me in a world of hurt, then so be it.
I've been doing well so far, but sugar-free, fat-free yogurts can only soothe a sweet craving for so long, and I've longed for an occasional biscuit with my unsweetened black coffee (which is how I've drunk it for years). Most biscuits I could find without added sugar are the "digestive" kind, and taste and feel like cardboard - no good. These chocolate chip cookies looked just the thing, although I wasn't prepared for the contents. They are the exact size pictured on the packet.

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