The Face of Drought

I accidentally pushed the wrong button and published this before I had written anything. I don’t think the picture of the Salinas valley hills require any further explanation. The trip back has been far better than the one on Friday, and we’re now whizzing across the upper deck of the bridge we sat on for ages on Friday Jim has done all the driving, bless him.

We crammed a lot into our 36 hours in Santa Barbara for Peter’s graduation. It was well worth it, but if the drive down and all the walking around and the numerous drives between Peter’s house, the campus, the city of Santa Barbara and Carpenteria where we stayed made me tired, the activities of the young made me exhausted!

Will and his girlfriend Chloe joined us for dinner last night. It is move-out weekend for all the students, adding double parked cars and UHaul trailers to the general mayhem of post graduation parties . Chloe had no place to leave her cat while she attended her sister’s graduation from Stanford today, so she and Will drove back to Santa Rosa with the cat last night. Chloe’s plan was to drive back to Palo Alto today.

Peter also joined us for dinner somewhat the worse for wear after a party with ‘unlimited Margaritas’. Maybe it was just as well that the restaurant wouldn’t serve him wine because, although he had a picture of his passport in his phone, he couldn’t produce an ID that satisfied them that he was 22. After all that palaver, the waitress told us that she couldn’t pour the wine we had brought with us because she wasn’t 21! She did send someone of acceptable maturity to pour the wine.

Undoubtedly Peter was still in bed when Dana called him at 9 this morning to see if he wanted to join us for coffee. He elected not to as he hadn’t gotten to bed in until 6!

Who said youth was wasted on the young?

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