Bumble and chive

which sort of sounds like a dance move.... I got lots accomplished this weekend but really have to pace myself. I have been so exhausted from work and really pushing myself on the weekends to get the gardens caught up. Yesterday wasn't terribly hot but I was out weeding the strawberries and started feeling really woozy. I think I was dehydrated and overly tired. I really didn't shake it the whole day but did start feeling a bit better after a rest, food and water. I managed to weed, stake up and debug my asparagus. Today Dan and I cut down all the weeds around the perennial  flowers and it looks much better. And I finished weeding one of the strawberry beds. Around here the grass just takes over. There is no getting rid of the weeds. I just have to keep things down to a dull roar.... and I planted out my decorative gourds and marigolds. A quick wander to one of the many patches of chives found this lovely bumble enjoying herself.
The last week of school is upon us and I am so grateful...

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