Looking back at the container port

I really don't need days like today. Started with being part of a stop start drive along the motorway on the way to work. It seems that the wind had blown a tree onto one of two lanes on the way to Grafton or the Port. What is normally a couple of minutes even on a busy day, ended up being 20 minutes.

Went to turn on my computer and could only get the message that there was no input, and then it went back to sleep. Fortunately the DAMHS assistant was working from home today, and I could use her computer. Even so I ran out of time for reading the nursing reports of the patients in ICU before I had to meet the nursing shift co-ordinator for planning the day.

No registrar today as she is on night shift this week. My slow typing speed makes a 30 minute assessment into a one hour activity after I write the notes. Fortunately, a colleague offered me her intern to record the interview. Despite then spending some time afterwards with 'bedside teaching' (getting her to tell me her mental status examination, discussing learnings from the assessment) I had time to see more patients than on my own.

When I realised that I could stay at the inpatient unit as the only afternoon appointment was a zoom meeting, I found time for lunch and completion of the Guardian cryptic, as long as the CMHC staff hadn't arranged appointments for me. Fortunately they hadn't. 

A busy afternoon with more assessments. The last of those was a man who had become very hostile at the end of each previous assessment on the basis of a sudden upsurge of his persecutory delusions which resulted in him accusing me and/or staff of stealing a valued possession. Fortunately, he has begun to respond to the medication, and he apologised for having been angry with me last week.

Got away late on the trip home, and got caught up in the post-work-in-the-city traffic. Fortunately one of the stops going up Grafton Road allowed me the time to use my iPhone to take a photo of the yellow sun shining on the cranes at the container port.

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