Snail's pace

On our walk this morning I took some shots of what I thought were blue tits, and I also spotted this snail.

When I went through my photos to chose a blip, I noticed that the birds have a black chest, not blue. So I looked on the RSPB website and it turns out they were Great Tits. Then came the problem of which to blip, but as I'm moving round at snail's pace at the moment with my back, I decided I'd blip him. It's another macro shot, and I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. I love the colours of his shell and like the fact that you can see Louis' little legs in the background - he was watching me, probably wondering what I was doing taking a photo of the ground!

I've been back to the Osteopath this morning and after a more in depth examination, and more manipulations, he thinks I've twisted my Oblique muscle which is responsible for turning the torso. It's still painful, but he's 'worked' the muscle to help release it and said it will take time to heal. So it looks like I can't go to the gym for a while!

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