Our daily bread

I don't have very much to report today, other than I had my French lesson this morning - it's always lovely to see Christine as she's become more of a friend than a teacher over the years, and we just sit and chat about everything that's gone on since we last met.

Then this afternoon I've been doing the food shop, but before going to the supermarket I went to La Ferme du Hameau de Roy, which is an old farm dating back to the 18th century and which is now an artisan bakery. Their bread is delicious and their tarts and quiches looked wonderful. I resisted temptation today but will definitely go back one weekend.

The building is very rustic, and it really feels like you're stepping back in time when you go there. Outside they have this wonderful old cart which is bright yellow in colour, but I thought it looked more authentic in sepia.

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