Kylie And A Sparrow

Got lots done in the garden today. The first job was to put a 13 amp plug on the now very short hedge trimmer lead and with the help of an extension cable I trimmed the lavender back to give us more room on the patio. The sparrows are still enjoying playing in the lavender. There are signs of flowers now, I reckon we should see some in July. Then I pressure washed the patio and paths, and the arbour,  and did a fair bit of tidying up everywhere. I managed to straighten a small tree using a stake, something I have been meaning to do for ages. The most important job though was reorganising our gnomes and garden ornaments. When the grandsons were here recently they thought we had hidden all the gnomes. Kylie has a new location now on the opposite side of the garden. She got a bit overgrown in her original position. I think she likes the new view and we can see her in her full glory now.

Also dealt with a Sainsbury's delivery this afternoon and listened to the end of the Test Match.

One year ago:
Another Waiting Room #7
So a year ago we were just starting to think about a veranda. I am so pleased we went ahead with it, but thank goodness for interest free credit :-)

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