Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Today's bloom.

Concert report. Elvis Costello was absolutely fabulous last night. Some wonderful old and new material, and, extremely polished all round. Also, very entertaining and amusing. Surprised we didn't bump into each other last week. He too was at the Stones concert. He too raved about them in rather colourful language! Sad to hear about Jagger's illness last night though. Feeling rather lucky....

Today has been somewhat normal and ordinary. Visit to mum and dad's (where the flower was photographed). The often repeated calls to the GP this time to investigate something new. 
Went to see my aunt to make sure she is OK after her recent loss. Thankfully she is resilient and strong. Trying to make plans for next week's funeral for mum and dad but we can't get suitable transport. All in use and under contract to local authority schools contracts. Completely unable to get one or two wheelchair taxis (or similar) which is causing some distress. 

Back home, quick lunch (rather late) and a couple of hours filling the bin with rubbish from the loft before tomorrow's collection. Some garden rubbish shredded.

And now a celebratory birthday beer.

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