Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling


The hottest day of the year so far, so difficult to concentrate in the study, when it is south west facing and the sun is beating down on the window.

I went and sat in the lounge, on the other side of the building, which has always been one of the coolest rooms in the house.  It was there I heard our cat starting to vocalise; I knew it could be only one thing, a mouse or a bird.  I leapt (well perhaps it would be more accurate to say I eased myself) out of the chair to see her walking towards me, complete with 4 skinny little legs protruding from her mouth..........and they were moving!

I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and she dropped this small mouse on the grass.  It just lay there on its side, though I could see it was still breathing.  Firstly, I put the cat in the kitchen and locked her in.  By the time I'd returned the mouse had righted itself and moved about three feet.  I got something to pick it up gingerly and put it next to the shed, where we are pretty sure there is a nest.  It stayed there for a few seconds, long enough to to get this picture, then sloped off under the shed and away.

my good deed for the day.

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