Big Picnic

Today was the junior school Big Picnic, another annual event that has been unavailable to us for the first two years that CyclopsJnr was at the school.

The Big Picnic is basically a fete with lots of stalls such as coconut shy, hoopla, beat the goalie, books, toys, home baking, BBQ and of course SOAK THE TEACHER! Here is Mr Z, the science teacher. One of CyclopsJnr's favourites and a very good sport.

Well MrsCyclops and CyclopsJnr biked down there and stayed 3+ hours. It was excellent fun. CyclopsJnr and his friend A especially enjoyed beat the goalie and spent quite a while hanging around that stall.

We got 15 books from the book stall at 3 for £1, though MrsCyclops slightly regretted this when she had to carry them home on the bike.

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