
By wrperry

Loving Hands

I had the pleasure (thanks Osuzanna!) of riding on a boat on Maryland's Patuxent River with about a dozen photographers and birdwatchers, guided by a superb naturalist, Greg.  Greg has been overseeing the osprey population for 30 plus years now, setting up nest stands, moving chicks in need of parents, and maintaining a healthy ecological habitat (among many other jobs, including tour guide).  Our excursion had a dramatic ending, as one of the nests we had photographed on our way out, had collapsed before we returned, due to heavy wind.  Greg immediately headed for the nest, which was submerged along with the three chicks.  He was able to retrieve one and tried to resuscitate it, to no avail.  Needless to say, we all returned to the dock with heavy hearts.

I decided to post this photo, of Greg holding a chick from a different nest, before he banded it.  Those steady hands have passed along much love to the environment and its inhabitants.  

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