
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 13: The Way the sun rises

Vilaserio to Cee - JBD = 39km

What a way to start the longest day. Another hard choice for blip today but I loved the way the sun is playing off the camera and light involved. Sun rises were spectacular in Spain almost every day that we were fortunate enough to witness any. This one was one of my favourites.

Today was long but was made easy for me as I had drunk less wine than Owen and Stef had the night before! A truly beautiful and mesmerizing day of walking finished with us seeing the first sight of the lighthouse situated at the end of the world. With arrived in Cee and stayed in a great hostel which we had all to ourselves before going to stand in the sea for a few moments. My blip was almost my feet under the clear water standing on the shells. I think the sunrise is better.

Oh, and if you are in Cee and like seafood then try Restaurante Anqueira. Our meal of the day cost ?27 between us. We gave a ?23 tip and still vastly underpaid. The best meal of the trip and one of the best I can ever remember having.

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