
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 14: Sunset at the end of the Way

Cee to Fisterra - JBD = 12.9km and another 7km to Finisterre and back....

Or maybe that should be 'Sunset at the end of the World'. Today we reached Finisterre, meeting with Emma and Dave and all heading to the end of the World together. It was sensational, an incredibly beautiful place to end an incredibly beautiful trip. I don't want to write too much about it all to be honest, the time on the cliff-face was kinda special to me but not too much for sharing. There are a couple of other things to share though.

Firstly, if in Fisterra, try the Orange, Chocolate and Pistachio cake from Peppone in the square. It is to die for.

Secondly, many thanks to for humouring me in my attempts to get an Atlas photo, even with the unhelpful ground and cloud surrounding the sun. We got a few good ones but this one I love and it is more his blip than mine. I had an idea, he executed it. Thank you.

Finally, thank you to Stef, Dave, Owen and Em for making the trip so special. You guys are awesome.

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