96 years

We arrived to wish (and sing) my Dad happy birthday mid afternoon. He asked where Mum was, I had to explain again. He just can’t hold things in his memory. It’s sad, but it’s how it is.

The cards are from family members. And the painting is of St Ives. Mum and Dad married nearly 69 years ago. An evening at the London Palladium where they saw Charles Trenet, and then the next day to Cornwall and St Ives. This painting, which was painted by a disabled artist using his foot, has had pride of place on the living room wall for ever in my memory.

Extra - we had an evening walk up the Pegsdon Hills to watch the sun setting. A beautiful evening. Disconcerting being bombed by May Bugs (Cockchafers). Hundreds were zooming around feasting on the trees and bushes.

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