Yn sydyn dyma ni

Yn sydyn dyma ni ~ Suddenly here we are

“Photography is a medium in which if you don’t do it then, very often you don’t do it at all, because it doesn’t happen twice. A rock will probably always be more or less there just the way you saw it yesterday. But other things change, they’re not always there the day after or the week after.”
—Paul Strand

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Yn sydyn dyma ni... Rydw i'n  siwr fod y mafon yn wyrdd ddoe ond nawr maen nhw'n coch. Mae nhw'n fel goleaudau bach yn troi ymlaen ar hyd a lled yr ardd.

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Suddenly here we are ... I'm sure the raspberries were green yesterday but now they're red. They are like little lights turning on all over the garden.

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