Ieuenctid tragwyddol

Ieuenctid tragwyddol ~ Eternal youth

“It is possible for us to discover our own innocence and childlike beauty. Discovering the innocent childlike quality in us does not mean being reduced to a child. Rather, we become fresh, inquisitive, sparkling. We want to know more about the world, more about life. When our preconceptions are stripped away, we begin to realize ourselves—it is like a second birth. We discover our innocence, our primordial quality, our eternal youth.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Mae Blipfoto yn amhosib. Sut dych chi'n gallu dal diwrnod mewn ffotograff o un eiliad? Ond mae'r hwyl yn y dewis...

Cawson ni amser hwyl gyda'r teulu yn yr Ardd Rhosyn ym Mharc y Rhath. Roedden ni wedi dod â phicnic, er gwaethaf y tywydd cymylog a'r bygythiad o law. Rydyn ni'n hoffi picnics. Maen nhw’n anffurfiol ac, ar ôl bwyta, mae'r plant yn gallu rhedeg o gwmpas ac yn archwilio.

Rhedais i o gwmpas ac yn archwilio gyda'r plant. Mwynhaodd y plant y rhosod, yn enwedig y  llawer o wahanol liwiau a siapiau. Roedd popeth yn gyfareddol a hudolus iddyn nhw. Roedd yn dda i weld eu bod nhw'n sylwi roedd bob blodyn wedi cael lawer o arlliwiau o liw. Casglion nhw rhai o betalau wedi'u cwympo ac yn wneud lluniau gyda nhw. Arsylwi a dyfeisgarwch o'r fath, i gyd wrth chwarae.

Felly dyma'r gyfrinach o ieuenctid tragwyddol, chwaraewch gyda'r plant, gwelwch y byd trwy'u llygaid. Ac yn cadw mor heini â phosib(!).

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Blipfoto is impossible. How can you capture a day in a photograph of one moment? But the fun is in the choice...

We had a fun time with the family at the Rose Garden in Roath Park. We had brought a picnic, despite the cloudy weather and the threat of rain. We like picnics. They are informal and, after eating, the children can run around and explore.

I ran around and explored with the children. The children enjoyed the roses, especially the many different colours and shapes. Everything was enchanting and magical for them. It was good to see that they noticed that each flower had many shades of colour. They collected some fallen petals and made pictures with them. Such observation and ingenuity, all while playing.

So this is the secret of eternal youth, play with the children, see the world through their eyes. And stay as fit as possible(!).

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