
By antipodean


24 blips in and I finally have a picture of Mum on here! Like me, she doesn't love having her photo taken so I'm really glad she let me put this up.

Another day of errands and chores - a doctor's appointment, coffee with Mum, some job applications, a walk and some sorting out. All the boxes I got from the storage unit have been sorted through and I'm ready to get another few out - I threw out a lot of schoolwork from high school today and it was hilarious going through it and seeing how dorky I was when I was 13 and 14!

I like this picture because I think it captures Mum as I see her - sort of smiling with a twinkle in her eyes! I still think portraits aren't my strength because I'm not very good at making people feel comfortable when I take their photo, but I think this portrait was a success!

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