CELEBRITY Earthlings Welcome

On This Day In History
1997: U.S. Air Force reports on Roswell

Quote Of The Day
"The biggest thing is the suppression of advanced technology, and the suppression of unknown science. The fact that there is another technologically advanced civilisation in existence that we know about and we have some of their objects that we can operate, that is the pinnancle and a big, big thing."
(Bob Lazar, Area 51 and Flying Plates)

Never trust a representative of Reticulan Spacelines. I could tell Alexei Sayle exactly what that thing in his washing bag is, but I guarantee you he would not want me to demonstrate how it's used.

Seriously, though, what did Eugene Cernan see from the window of his spacecraft? I don't trust the N.A.S.A. explanation any more than I trust those Reticulans.

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