Shamara II is in the water !

14.7C breezy with bright spells and brighter spells :-)

Our gas boiler was serviced this morning. No drama, just the usual warnings of potential lack of parts and inefficiency and so on. I have agreed to have one of their advisors come round in a month or so and have a look at the system and chat about a possible replacement and what that might entail.

I hate workmen in the house, so thats major point one against having a new one ! Then there was mention of an installer needing under floor access ... point two. A new boiler won't fit in the present location (neatly in a cupboard in the fitted kitchen where it should go) ... point three. They might recommend putting it in the loft (no way!) ... and so on. I doubt the advisor will convince me before the old boiler gives up !

The service engineer was a pleasant enough chap but wasn't keen on Maeve the Deerhound helping with the service, so she had a while out in the back garden :-)

After lunch Maeve and I went for our walk. We went round our usual route. There were two disc harrows lying at the top of the field with the bridle path. I tried some close ups and even poked the camera inside.

It was good to be back down on the beach. The tide was quite far in. We haven't been for a wander on the beach for a few days. It felt like longer. 'Shamara II' is in the water, moored close to shore. I took some pictures as I walked along.

At the Fishermen's huts we went round the creel rack and found that the tractor that takes 'Shamara II' down to the water (and back out again) was sitting facing away from the sea on the wooden trackway that is laid down on the sand. I thought this picture with the flag appearing to be flying from the tractor's exhaust looked rather celebratory so I chose it for today's blip.
Hooray, the boats are back in the water :-)

I have planted my 6 little rows of maincrop potatoes in one of the small veg beds near my office window. The home made compost I spread on the bed some days ago was broken down very nicely and I now have 6 neat ridges marked by canes. It is forecast to rain tonight, so hopefully that might get them started off into growth soon. Some of the seeds I planted in modules and pots and have in the greenhouse are starting into growth. Tomatoes and Dwarf Beans so far.

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