It’s been…

…..almost three years since we’ve been to Townsville and been with our family.and what a reception we got.  
It’s the last day of term for Lexi, the juniors were having a fun sports day with all sorts of different things going on.  By the time we arrived it was almost over but that didn’t matter at all. When she saw we had arrived she belted over and gave us ginormous cuddles.  Then preceded to take us to met her friends and teacher. Since then we hasn’t left our side, her wee hand sneaks into mine, or just randomly come over for cuddles.  How she has grown up in these three years, she is so funny and makes us laugh at what comes out of her mouth.  
So we can look forward to three weeks of much the same,

It’s been a huge day, I’ve been awake now for over 24 hours, so no wonder I’m feeling very jaded. 

The photo was taken by a parent, we look rather goofy but it sums up our day well.  Another one of Lexi that I snapped with my phone is in extra. She had swimming lessons later in the afternoon, so the face paint had to be removed. Her swimming has improved so much. 


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