If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Dog rose ( Rosa canina )

30 Days wild, Day 24.

A run to the tip recycling centre was required.  On the way back we stopped on"The Gill" road, that is as you might expect the road through Greystoke Gill.  We stopped so that I could look for something wild.  It is amazing how much you can see in a few yards of road verge.  I was spoiled for choice, a number of different grasses, a couple of Cranesbills,  a Vetch,  and Red Campion.  All within a few paces of the car.

The Dog Rose is one of the many types of wild rose in the UK.  Those of us of a certain age will remember collecting the Rosehips, taking them to school, and being paid a few pence per pound.  The hips were packed in small sacks and sent off to be made into Roaehip syrup.   A very valuable source of Vitamin C in immediately post war UK.

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