A Hilarious Card And The Perfect Puzzle!

Question: What is a wonderful early birthday surprise for a long-time Jeopardy fan (been watching it since the 1960s) and a lover of big jigsaw puzzles and all things Texas?  My sweet friend, Gina, had the answer, but didn't want to wait until Wednesday (my actual birthday) when we will be busy at church with Bible study and choir practice, so after we had our usual Saturday lunch and before root beer floats and watching "Columbo", she handed me this fabulous gift bag  with the perfect card that she has been holding onto ever since she saw it and knew that she had to get it for me!  I started watching "Jeopardy!" with my mom in the 1960s, watched it all through college in the dorm, watched it by myself for years after I graduated college and moved to Austin, watched it after I got married and once I had kids, watched it with them.  I still watch it every day!  Gina also knows that I love a good jigsaw puzzle and all things Texas, along with bright flowery dish towels, so that is what she put into that fabulous bag and I loved it all!

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