
An important part of communication is negotiating language; we have to make sure that we are using words in an understandable and shared manner. Here, I am using the word "gardening" in it's common form, that is, it means sitting in the garden with a brew and a book, and listening to TMS or watching Glastonbury on a tablet PC. I understand that there are other meanings to this word.

I tried to stay awake to watch McCartney last evening but 22:30 is very late for me. I saw him open and the crowd sing happy birthday but I crashed out after that. I really enjoyed Herbie Hancock today and what I saw of Nubya Garcia. Noel Gallagher made me smile last evening, not so much the music but the honesty with which he said that he was playing tracks that would mean nothing to the audience but he was playing them for himself (I'm paraphrasing here). Enjoying Glasto within a few paces of a fridge, a kettle, a bathroom, and a bedroom is definitely what works for me. 

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