The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bisley from the church

Gotta get the steps in! After the market (not a bad day's trading) we packed up and went home, then GG came round at 5 and we went for a walk. I'd decided this was a good time, because there's plenty of light at this time of year, and I get restless behind my stall, so this is a good way to work it off.

We'd decided to follow one of several local downloadable walks that start and finish at a pub. This one began in the village of Bisley, just a few miles from here. We live in the South Cotswolds, which is not famed for its chocolate-box perfect villages (they'll be in the more famous North Cotswolds) but Bisley and Painswick come pretty close. We started off ok, the directions made total sense, until we came to a plantation and somehow missed the stile to get out of the woods! Oh, and went uphill instead of down. Not that it mattered, we got back to Bisley in due course.

GG is, dare I say it, a tad vain and doesn't want to be seen with a walking stick, even by a field full of cows, so she had chosen to walk with a rolled umbrella rather than a walking stick. This turned out not to be much use when she put her foot down a hole in the ground, and she tumbled over. Fortunately I was able to get her up, and I have an app called What three words on my phone, that helps if one needs to be located by the rescue services. Not that we did...Maybe she'd be persuaded to try a Nordic walking pole or two, for the sporty look.

When we got to the pub, the Stirrup Cup, we found that the beer garden was located through the pub and UP a steep flight of metal stairs! That'll be a first. We did enjoy walking around the village, though, in the evening sunlight. It's a place I know fairly well, as I used to do some work there, but GG doesn't know it at all. (I must get some more walking-scale OS maps, Stroud is right on the Northern edge of my current one).

Back home, CS and I had curry and watched Montalbano. Then Paul McCartney at Glastonbury. I think I preferred his performances 40-50 years ago. Maybe he and Rod Stewart should form a band.

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