Sunny Church

Last day of babysitting a poorly, spotty three year old granddaughter…..who, to be fair, has been remarkably resilient - maybe something to do with the ‘magic’ medicine (Piriton Syrup) making her drowsy! Poor girl is covered in chickenpox!!

Eldest grandaughter’s actual 8th birthday today and after visiting the Science Museum in London travelled back from London with Mum and Dad - finally getting home around 6:30 - so there was a present opening flurry, and telling of stories from the weekend (Harry Potter Studio, Matilda The Musical, a Lego Shop) - they had a fab time. I had made some pizzas for ‘tea’ which was followed by birthday cake!!

We finally got home around 9 p.m. - got stuck in traffic on the A1 due to an accident!!

Fortunately I had managed to find a moment to point my camera towards the village church…so that is my blip! I thought it looked quite good in the sun.

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