
Day 393 on Strava. Still am not able to recover the older street photos I shot for previously stated reasons yet always grateful for family, nature, space and the ability to "function" sans medication. Learning and relearning how to focus and adjust to "noise."  ***
Took several "blipworthy shots" however am out of extras and pressed for time but truly grateful to the blipfoto community for reminding me that there is always an alternative platform and that some experiences are shared while some are kept. *

Mini "emergency" this morning: B had to leave early for a wedding shoot. Chew (our puppy/dog) suddenly entered our middle home so T "panicked" that Chew might eat Oreo, (his new pet rabbit, a gift from Kuya Danny). Since I have my phone with me, I tried to multi-task but at the end Gramps was the one who was able to solve the initial issue. Happy to be able to capture some photos of them (T, Chew, Oreo and Gramma) but would have to still select and edit which is decent enough for sharing (and which is "approved" by T as he now wants his privacy so each photo or video I shot of him or his work has to go through his approval). ***

Thorversations (from the other day):
T: Am officially declaring Oreo as my pet.
P(i)a: Ok.
T: If Oreo was brown, I would name him Cinnabon!
P: *laughter* Seriously? That is a brand/name of a famous pastry shop.
Have a good one!

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