
It’s Thursday and, right now, that means office day.  While we were all out in lockdown the office lifts - which had been very temperamental and regularly out of service - were all refurbished. In that respect, most of our staff woking from home, must have made shutting down the lifts much easier.  On the other hand, how do you work with other people on a lift installation without getting too close? It’s cramped by default.  They used to be numbered and now they have letters. I don’t know why they made that change.

While I was in the office our new oven was being installed. It’s quite shiny and new and seems a shame to actually use it. I guess we will, eventually, get used to it. I wonder how easy - or not - this one will be to clean?

Although I was in the office while the oven was being fitted, I did not have much time to hear from home as I had one of those days when my calendar looked like somebody I purposely tried to fit all the little blocks together like the game Tetris. They were all useful in their own way and some of them were much better because some of us were in the office together. 

As with most of the days that I go into the office at the moment, I try to arrange some kind of social event.  Tonight I met Austin at Plum + Spilt Milk at King’s Cross.  We started with cocktails which meant the evening went swiftly downhill. I am not sure the staff were over impressed by our delayed food ordering.  Another former colleague joined us later so there was even more wine consumed to the point I lost count of the number of bottles that were drunk. I do know the last one I bought was £45 which, in hindsight, was excessive for the bottle we trying to finish as they told us the bar was closing. Still, a fun evening.

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