River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Salad Leaves & Arum Lily

“Another rainy day in Greendale …” with apologies to Postman Pat 
https://youtu.be/dYFrqCEfVTw - Jones Kids used to love this series as did their Nain! :-))
Eternal optimist that I am, I put a load of washing in the machine, most of it dried between showers, with a few items left for tomorrow.
Picked a good amount of assorted salad leaves for our lunch, I like drying them gently on a linen tea towel.
The Arum Lily is in a huge ceramic pot, I rescued it from underneath the Jerusalem Sage a few days ago and it has a flower!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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