HWP Day 7 - Newburn to Segedunum

What a long, long day, and it's not over yet because I'm still on a train from Newcastle to Derby!

We began walking the last section of Hadrian's Wall Path at 9.15 am.  We made slow progress this morning because of all the different wild flowers there were, with Steve wishing to identify them. As we approached the city we quickened up a little, but then slowed down to take photos of all the bridges!

The last section was mostly along the cycle track (number 72 if you're interested, see extra) and we were both flagging a little as we reached Segedunum, the site of the fort at the end of the wall. Today's mileage was down as 10, it was nearly 13.

After a cuppa we felt ready to tackle the trains back to Carlisle, so retrieved our big bags and walked to the nearby station of Wallsend.

At Newcastle City Station it all seriously unravelled between Steve and I - we'd had a bit of a disagreement earlier in the week when I wouldn't do as he'd said - but this afternoon's is definitely terminal. He'd asked me to phone the hotel in Carlisle to check what time they served dinner until. But he didn't like how I was doing it, interrupting me and then objecting when I pointed out that he should've phoned them himself!!! 

He doesn't like being disagreed with, or challenged, or not having your full attention when he wants to hold forth. My daughter's verdict is that he's a narcissist. I tend to agree. 

The result of our altercation was that he pointed his finger in my face, and told me that if I challenged him again he'd refuse to give me a lift home. I wasn't going to back down and told him he was being ridiculous, at which point he told me to go back to the ticket office and swap my Carlisle ticket for a Derby one. Done! Steve will not be appearing in my journal again.

But never mind all that, I've walked Hadrian's Wall path  :-)

12.77 miles
292 ft elevation gain 

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