Patched Leafcutter Bee

Day #30 of #30dayswild

And so we come to the end of #30dayswild on a rather overcast day when little is moving in the garden. But once again solitary bees have come to my rescue, enjoying our large population of Common Knapweed, as well as the bolder golden flowers of Heartleaf Ox-eye, a European species  occasionally naturalised in the UK.

This is a Patchwork Leafcutter Bee which occurs in a range of habitats and is often frequent in gardens. Nesting occurs in dead wood, cavities in walls and other man-made objects; occasionally in the soil or hollow twigs/stems. It is probably the most frequent leafcutter at bee hotels.

I'm pleased to say that after a slightly groggy start, I'm beginning to feel much better. My temperature's finally dropped, just leaving me with a very runny nose, a slight cough and aching ears. Hopefully, in another couple of days I'll be back to my usual self!

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