All clear

I love this time of year, when you get small, random harvests of odd things, before the gluts in a few weeks. These are the first of the peppers which I'll BBQ at some point over the weekend.

I was supposed to have a training course all morning which unfortunately was cancelled right at the last minute due to sickness. It meant I had three hours free so I could work through my list, without any distractions, and prepare for a two day off site next week.

My afternoon wasn't quite as good as the person I was interviewing for a technical project lead had obviously embellished their CV quite a lot. They also weren't quite dynamic enough for what I want. 45 minutes of my life I won't get back.

A good friend received the all clear after three years of cancer treatment today as well, which was a great way to end the week. I'm so happy for him and his wife, both of whom have helped me out of some holes in my past. 

Parkrun tomorrow. If I get up.

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