
During the afternoon two huge vehicles rocked up our bumpy lane and four men in black spent 90 minutes transferring their contents  into  our  old farm outbuildings
A few hours later younger son, daughter-in-law, their two small girls and their cat arrived from Cardiff. They'll be staying with us until their new home, 18 miles away, is ready for them to move into - which will be as long as a piece of string I imagine.

We're lucky to be able to accommodate them and we're thrilled to have them living so much nearer.

The whole process reminded us of moving here ourselves almost 29 years when  Gwyn and his brother were 6 and 9. So exciting for children, so traumatic for adults: so much loss and so much gain all bundled up together.

Nuzzy, the cat, made a smooth transition and is being hosted in a private room. He doesn't yet realise that the household contains four cats and a dog.

A  few temporary extras.

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