At my Mother's

A few weeks ago I put up a large bird bath in my mother's back yard. She says the birds love it and that it is very busy all the time.
In the afternoon, when I filled it with fresh water, I noticed that the wasps love it as well, they went swimming and were all over the place. Then I noticed wasps coming out of a hole between the concrete tiles on the ground right next to 'their' pool. I have no intention of killing wasp families, so sprinkled grinded coffee around the hole and later on put a large flower pot (with a hole in the bottom) over it. I hope, that way the wasps will leave their domicile and still find their way out and my mother will not accidentally step on the entry to their nest.
So far the plan....we'll see if it works.
My mother is barely mobile, if she got attacked by wasps she would be in trouble (but she's not afraid of them and watched the measures I was taking with interest).

A collage again today, including a peacock butterfly sitting in her rather neglected garden in a white buddleia.

16:45; 25°C
a perfect summer day

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