By lizzie_birkett

Pride in Airevale Park

You’ll never guess what time I got up this morning…10 o’clock! I have never slept in that long. Frank wasn’t here and Bella didn’t wake me up either like she normally would. I couldn’t believe it when - thinking it was only about 7 or 8  - I came through and looked at the clock. 
I am always awake about 6.30 - 7, it knocked me off for the rest of the day.
We brought the boat down to Skipton today and moored near Aireville Park where the Pride Festival was today. We went there and it was lovely, a live stage, stalls, fun fair and haystacks everywhere for people to sit on. It was a good, happy atmosphere with all ages of folk, and lots of doggies.
I thought I would see some of my Blip friends there who are in a choir but we missed them :-( 
We only stayed for 1-2 hours as it was a cold breeze bit at least sunny.

I received a yummy gift today, it arrived at the house yesterday and Frank brought it with him when he came back this morning. Sam and Siobhan had forgotten my birthday and when they realised it, young Isla (10 1/2) said she would find something on line for me. Well, this box of yummy vegan brownies arrived! They are very moreish but very rich so we will have half a one each day for 6 days! (extra)


Time and attitudes are moving on
Acceptance and tolerance
Are the order of the day.
Inclusion of everyone no matter
colour, creed or politics, abilities 
or whether you’re straight or gay
Lets just get on with each other
be curious but ask questions
be proud, be true, find a way.


Now all the festival goers are walking home past our boat. Old couples with rainbow face paint on their cheeks walking alongside their grandkids, toddlers, young folk in tutus and rainbow flag capes like super heroes. 
All are smiling, some are singing, they’ve all had a good time! 

Goodnight :-) X

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