
By Livresse

Last race

A big day. My last race was a really fun one. The pressure was off and I could just concentrate on doing my best.
The weather deteriorated just after the last race for our club and it was very wet for the rest of the day. We went to see Veere, and walked around in the peeing rain. It is very old and pretty, but we soon got cold and went back home. 
In the evening we saw a film about the history of coastal rowing, a member from our club had been involved in the making of the film. It was very good and rather moving. After that there was a small band going from table to table and we danced, drank, ate the biggest portion of chip and generally had a good time. A few of us, plus Benjamin from Lake Champlain, ended up the evening with a wee whisky tasting session, until we got told to leave by the camp guards...oops!

I still have plenty of catching up to do. It is not always easy to charge to a phone when you are camping, and I have not spent much time on my phone! 

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