
By Beewriter

Cross Country

It was another busy Wednesday.

We hosted our invitation cross country event this afternoon. As we are on the doorstep of the woods we have a great course that trails through the woods and over streams. It is much more exciting than running round school fields. I always take the pics and usually roam around but as we didn't have enough marshals I had to don a fluorescent jacket and stand at position 3.

I felt a bit of a plonker standing on my own with a camera for two hours. When people walked by I felt I had to explain why I was just standing there. I was also a bit nervous because I'm scared of dogs. I am a lot better than I used to be but I don't like a dog running towards me. The first thing people do is let their dog off the lead and let it run, "He won't hurt you," they shout. It probably won't but I don't like it running at me, jumping on me or barking at me. I had three hairy moments...with three huge dogs...but I survived.

My marshal point was by the lake and the heron was wading in the middle of the water. I did have my telephoto lens but didn't have a chance to take any pics, so I will go back another time.

I took over two hundred pics so I will have plenty to choose from when I put a piece on the website tomorrow. I took a great pic of one of the parents but I forgot to ask her if I could use it on blip so I chose this one of the two anonymous girls. Our runners were as high as kites when they went home because we were the overall winners...Yay!

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