
By Brotographer

Whirlpool (Me and my Nano-rocket)

EDIT: before I forget, yes the patch on my forehead is from when I got my head bashed in by a boat almost two weeks ago. attractiveness level: OVER NINE THOUSAND!


My feelings about nano-rockets? Mixed it seems.

Full day of work in leam on this looooooong report. The photo isn't executed very well, I just wanted to show how much nano-rockets have become a part of my life recently. Truth be told, I was inspired by this photo. Next time I'll put in more effort. Credit also due to NASA, not only for the major influence on my project, but for the background image. If you have no idea why I'm rambling on about nano-rockets, here's an old entry where I explain a bit on how I'm going to save the world. Actually I now realize I haven't properly explained my project yet. I'll do that when I hand it in a couple entries down the line.


(ps. I would have loved to geotag this entry in space, but its not on the map...)

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