An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The angel...

and the demon!!!

What a girl!  She really is a character and a half!!  More on that later :-))

Poor Ele was feeling miserable when she got up this morning.  After bacon rolls and a cuppa they headed off as they had Kenny's mum's shopping to do then visit her but I think Kenny was going to drop Ele off at home before going on to his mum's on his own.  

We got cleared up then just before 4pm Andrew, Nikki, Esme and Jen arrived.   They'd just been strawberry and raspberry picking so brought a load of delicious fruit with them.

Esme is a water baby so was keen to go in the pool.  As you can see from the extra pic she is completely fearless!  

After her swim she was keen to start where she left off last week playing shops with David, this time selling him various items from around the garden room.  They then had a hilarious "telephone" chat with D on his mobile and Esme on the house phone.  He kept her amused for absolutely ages! I was listening in to the their conversation and I said to him later that I now understood why Esme and Faith and Anna all adore him, it's because he can get right down to their level.  He said it's because he's never left that level!  I laughted...he was being serious!  hahahahaha!

I made New York Mac n cheese with garlic bread and salad for dinner (well Andrew had a burger because although he loves cheese, he doesn't like it melted *rolls eyes* :-)) and I took the opportunity to give Andrew his great grandpa's wedding ring (that D's mum left to me along with her mum's engagement ring that I gave to his sister Jen last week)  He was genuinely touched.  I heaved a sigh of relief as I've wanted to hand them on to them for a long time but wanted the time to be right.  I am glad it's now right :-))

Because we were all having a lovely time and because it was still light outside and Esme was still running about like the Duracell bunny, we all lost track of time till I looked at the kitchen clock and realised it was a quarter to ten!!  

A quick gathering of things together (remarkably they remembered everything, they usually always leave something behind!) and goodbyes to Alan (Alan's latest plan is that he and Andrew will jump in the car and go to the pub to drink cider next week! :-) and they were off.

D and I sat down with a cuppa and commented on quiet the house was :-)))

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