
We took Spike to Spring Lake this morning. I've always liked these rocks in the lake whose level has lowered to the point that they are no longer in the lake but next to it. I've put a picture in extras of how they are being used now.

It's been ages since we have taken the path beside the lake. Spike has calmed down quite a lot when it comes to other dogs and people, but he still runs back and forth, nose to the ground checking out everything that has passed that way before him. To spare John's arm, I worked with him on how to get Spike to stop and take a breather. Since John is the one who needs the training I suggested he pick a word to tell Spike what he should do. After some contemplation, several yanks on his shoulder and prompts from me, he finally came up with 'calm'.

A word I have to keep telling myself as new revelations about the 'insurrection' and the imcomprehensibly deep divides afflicting our country cannot be avoided. I feel a rant coming on, so be forewarned.

Underneath a headline in the paper suggesting how we could prepare for mass violence was another headline 
Disinformation too hot to handle for feds?  Issue of 'truth in the public arena becomes untouchable problem despite wider threats.
The Department of Homeland Security released plans to create a board to monitor national security threats (exacerbating public health emergencies, stoking racial and ethnic divisions and even undermining Democracy itself)  Yet when the secretary announced the establishment of a disinformation board, Republican lawmakers and conservative commentators denounced it as an Orwellian attempt to stifle dissenting views. So did some critics from the left who questioned the powers that such an office might wield in the hands of future Republican administrations.

There is wide agreement across the federal government that coordinated disinformation  are a clear threat, the fact that the board was dismantled within weeks of its creation demonstrates how deeply partisan the issue has become in Washington making it nearly impossible to consider addressing the threat. 'I think we're in a really bleak situation here in this country" said Nina Jankowitz, who briefly served as the board's director before resigning when the controversy boiled over.

The GOP is accusing overbearing Democrats of intruding deeper and deeper into people's personal beliefs--'canceling' conservative values. The very disinformation the board was formed to combat was being used against it.

This is the total stalemate not only in government but in American life in general that we find ourselves in. There doesn't seem to be any way of breaking the downward spiral and putting things back on track again. It really does remind me of a civilization in serious decline.  Nero fiddling while Rome burns....

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