Flower Friday. : : Oleander

I have never been particularly fond of oleanders. Back in the days when they actually landscaped the land alongside the highways, these were commonly used and went on sometimes for miles. For some reason, my mother instilled in me the fact that they were poisonous (so many plants are) but even though even at a young age I felt no desire to eat them, I was still afraid to go near them.

We had white ones forming a hedge in the front of this house, and these pink ones in the back. They all burned down along with the fences and arbors near where they were planted. We had the roots of the white ones removed so we could plant something else, but there was no sign of the pink ones and we had many other priorities, so we didn't replace them with anything.

However the one I have photographed has sprung up, unbidden,  in the neighbors' field just on the other side of the fence and it looks quite pretty. It doesn't seem to require any water, and is thriving despite the lack of it. I have chosen it for today's entry because of it's resilience and determination....

Politics everywhere seem to be in turmoil. It must be a relief that BJ has resigned, and infuriating that there were no apologies and that he is not actually leaving...yet. We are all too familiar with leaders who refuse to go...at least BJ didn't start an insurrection. We had coffee this morning with Gail's brother and sister-in-law who are visiting from England, and commented that they didn't think the possible replacements inspired much confidence. All I can say is that at least cabinet had sense enough to see which way the wind was blowing and hasten the resignation by resigning themselves. Some feel that they should have done it sooner. Would that that had happened here. We still have half the country who aren't buying the 'big lie' that Biden stole the election from Trump.

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