Better Than Expected

The forecast was for rain of biblical proportions but it hasn't arrived . . . yet.  We went to town for some groceries and I wanted to visit the bookshop.  It is one of those independently owned shops and what a selection it has.  I was looking for two titles for Finn which they had and then I added another on.  I saw two Kereru on the drive in and when we got home there was one in the tree lucerne next to the house but it was buried in the foliage so you are spared more shots of birds.  The blip is the view from the front of the house towards the road at 4.40 pm. (The road is not visible it is at the base of the willows in the centre )

 Green acres is the place to be
Farm livin' is the life for me
Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside . . .

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